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Allen "The Answer" Iverson: The Most Influential Hooper of All-Time On and Off the Court


My name is Paul Deya. I am 17 years old and I love to play and watch basketball. That is why I chose this topic. Allen Iverson is my favorite player of all-time and I feel that his impact is greatly underappreciated by basketball fans. I will be going to Old Dominion University in the Fall of 2019.


Allen Iverson is one of the most influential players to ever play in the NBA. He is underappreciated by basketball fans everywhere. On the court, he influenced the NBA by being the first real “score-first” point guard. He influenced the NBA by adding Hip-hop culture to it, introducing his style and flavor today. He is the reason for players to be able to express themselves the way they do. Iverson changed the league forever with his unique style and passion for the game. He will forever be an icon in the NBA.

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